The Key Techniques for the Postharvest Cultivation of Bell Pepper

The sweet pepper plastic greenhouse is generally cultivated in the late autumn in June and is harvested in early June. It is harvested in early October and ends in late mid-November. Fruit harvested in the late period can be stored for 1 to 2 months. New Year's Day and Spring Festival are listed. The cornice market has higher prices and good economic returns. Here are the key technologies for the cultivation of bell peppers after the fall of the large sheds.

I. Variety selection

Choose varieties with strong disease resistance, good commercial fruits, and shelf-resistance. Areas that like early maturing varieties can choose early-maturing, fruit-bearing, and strong-resistant “Yanyanxin 6” sweet peppers; regions that like to plant large fruits and middle-late-maturing varieties can choose fruit big, thick meat, disease resistance, and high yield. The "Yanyan No. 12" and "Yanyan No. 13" sweet peppers.

Second, shade and rain, nurture age-appropriate seedlings

In the south-central region of the province, seedlings are generally sown in late June. During the high-temperature and rainy season, nutrient pods or plug-in mulching methods should be used. Nursery farms should choose high-dry terrain and well-drained land to build rainproof awnings. In the nursery process pay attention to the following aspects: 1 Seedbed set: In order to prevent the infection of virus diseases and diseases, should be nursed in greenhouses, the top of the shed to build a shade net, both sides set insect nets. 2 Preparation of nutritious soil: The fertile surface sandy loam soil not used for solanaceous vegetables is 50%. 50% of manure is added to rotten and sifted, and 0.5 to 1 kg of NPK compound fertilizer and 2.5 kg of amino acid fertilizer are added per cubic meter. After sowing the bottom water before sowing, 15 ml (3 generations) of Shilokaku should be used to apply nutrient solution every 15 to 20 square meters. 3 seed must be disinfected before sowing. Soaking in warm water at 55°C for 20-30 minutes, soaking with 10% trisodium phosphate for 15 minutes, rinsing with water, and dressing with Shiro. 4 Take care of aphids, virus diseases, and epidemics throughout the nursery period. After the seedlings were unearthed, the seeds were sprayed and sprayed with Dakkonin 600 times, and then alternated with Amisidae. From 2 to 3 true leaves, spray 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate + 0.1% urea + 0.2% zinc sulphate mixed fertilizer solution every 7 to 10 days, spray 2 to 3 times to promote flower buds. Differentiate and increase plant disease resistance. In the seedling stage, combined with watering, every 40 to 20 square meters will be used to inject 40 grams of enemy pine to prevent and treat diseases. 5 After emergence, in order to prevent seedlings from growing indefinitely, when they are in two true leaves, press 1.5 to 2 g/m2 Dwarf Mixing Soil and sprinkle it on the surface of the soil. Note that the application should be uniform and keep the soil moist. . If the seedlings grow short with 500 mg/kg of Chlormequat, spray them to prevent growth.

Third, balanced fertilization, timely planting

Mushi decomposed chicken manure 3 to 4 square, superphosphate 100 kg, potassium sulfate 20 kg, copper sulfate 3 kg, zinc sulfate 1 kg, borax 1 kg, 1 kg of biological potash. After deep levelling, the row spacing is 75 cm. The ditch is a 1.5-kilometer dashifengling and 15 kilograms of diammonium phosphate. Mix well with the soil. The distance between the holes is 40 cm. Each plant is cultivated and the average planting density is 2200. "Pan Yan No. 13" sweet pepper due to strong growth potential, can be appropriately diluted to 1600 to 1800 strains / acre. Planting in early August, and planting in the afternoon, it is advisable to plant 1.3 kg of dexamethasone with planting water and planting water to prevent epidemics.

Fourth, the results of management

When the diameter of the pepper is more than 80% to 2 to 3 centimeters, the top-dressing fertilizer is started, and the top-grade compound fertilizer is 15 to 20 kilograms per mu, or fertilization is used. Into the full fruit period, should be with water and fertilizer, ternary compound fertilizer, available nitrogen fertilizer, flushing and fertilizing alternately.

V. Timely control of pests and diseases

According to the principle of “prevention as the mainstay and comprehensive prevention and control”, the prevention and control of locusts, tea-stained lice and virus diseases, and other diseases and pests in the early stage of planting and seedling and spraying, and the spraying of virus A at the same time as spraying pesticides to control locusts and tea locusts Phytophthora and other diseases to prevent viral diseases; Spraying Dakkonin, Amisidae to prevent fungal diseases, especially in the critical period before planting, after planting, rainy season, spray pesticides to prevent fungal diseases 1 or 2 times in a timely manner The prevention and treatment of bacterial diseases use neomycin, streptomycin sulfate, ferric copper carboxylate (DT fungicide) and so on. Chemical control spray about 7 to 10 days, continuous spray 2 to 3 times. Prevention and treatment of soil-borne diseases can be used in the seedling stage, planting period, and after planting with water.

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