Short-term fattening technology for beef cattle

1. Choose fattening cattle. Using hybrid bulls to cross with local yellow cattle and using hybrid offspring as fattening cattle, the growth rate, feed utilization rate and beef quality are all higher than those of local cattle. In addition, obsolete bulls, infertile cows, low-yielding cows, and decommissioned cattle can all be fattened. All fattening cattle were required to be healthy and disease free, and were treated with levamisole at 15 mg per kilogram of body weight, and the cattle were castrated 10 to 15 days before fattening to improve the fattening effect.

2. Adaptation period of feeding. Usually 10 days - 15 days, due to feed fattening cattle, not adapt to the new environment, to allow their free activities, adequate drinking water, a small amount of feeding high quality grass or hay, bran, in order to train their eating habits. On the day of feeding green material 10 kg -15 kg. Among them, 80% of distiller's grains, 12% of corn meal, and 8% of wheat bran. Feeding grass, hay more than 20 kilograms, salt 40 grams - 50 grams. The feeding method is to feed the hay first, then feed the concentrate, eat while mixing, and then eat until it is full. Such as cattle indigestion can be fed dry yeast, 20 tablets per head per day - 50 tablets, feces, dried multivitamin 20 grams -30 grams and a small amount of vegetable oil.

3. Fertility breeding. It is generally 60 days - 80 days. This period is mainly to promote the fullness of bovine body fat and accumulate fat. Feed reference formula: 2.65 kg of corn, 1.41 kg of bran, 0.8 kg of cotton kernel cake, 0.8 kg of bone meal, 25 g of salt, 20 kg to 30 kg of silage per cow per day, feeding Feeding should be done periodically, 3 times a day, and 1 at night. Provide enough water to supply warm water of about 20°C in the winter. Drinking water 3 times during the day and drinking 5 times during the day in summer. The feeding sequence was: grass first, first water. Early evening and moderate, with a variety of forage grass, ban on feeding mildew degenerate feed. To cut short hay, urea should be dissolved in a small amount of water and then sprinkled in the fodder or feed into the concentrate feed, should not be placed in the water for cattle to drink, so as not to cause poisoning. Cattle consumed 40 pieces of dry yeast per feed - 60 tablets.

4. Application of beef cattle weighting agent. Commonly used beef cattle weighting agents are: 1 daily added 200 mg of rumen to feed, daily gain can increase by 16.3%. 2 Add 0.8%--1% compounding buffer (66.7 g sodium bicarbonate per 100 g, 33.3 g potassium phosphate monobasic) per 100 g of diet, increase daily weight gain by 11%-- 15%, feed consumption decreased by 11% -13%. 3 Feed 0.5 g of sodium bromide per 100 kg of body weight to increase daily gain by 17.5%.

5. Careful management. Feeding of fattening cattle should be carried out by one cow, one cow and one rope to limit their movements and keep them in darker pens, reduce energy consumption, increase feed conversion rate, and promote fattening. Daily brushing of cattle body 2 times - 3 times to keep the body clean, can promote blood circulation and enhance resistance. Keep the sheds cool in winter and cool in summer and air circulation. Clean the bar, trough and site frequently to keep the house clean and dry. In particular, each batch of cattle must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected once after slaughter. Observe the health status of the bovine body at any time and discover abnormalities in time for diagnosis and treatment.

Chili sauce is made with pepper sauce, is the more common on the table condiments. To Hunan as more oil and water system two. Oil is made with sesame oil and chili, the color is red, floating on top of a layer of sesame oil, easy to save.
Water is made of water and pepper, red in color, add garlic, ginger, sugar, salt, you can long-term preservation, the taste is more delicious.
Different regions have different local flavor pepper sauce. Generally made chili sauce at home, the pepper placed in the pot, saute (without oil), crushed into powder (cut with a knife can also be the more broken the better, end of pepper (also with non-oil pot cooked, scented, And then into the end), garlic (according to the number of chili and personal preferences) .All the above seasoning, garlic and vinegar and finally put the pan into the oil (the amount of oil according to the number of peppers, no peppers can be.), Direct Sesame oil is also OK, after heating a good point, the oil let cool, blending into the pepper. And then stirring. Add garlic and vinegar, tune into a glass bottle with the food, salad, noodles, cooking The ingredients.

Chilli Sauce

Chilli Sauce,Chilli Sauce Sweet,Red Chilli Sauce,Chilli Paste Sauce


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