What foods AIDS patients can use to prolong life

1, high energy, high protein diet

In general, HIV-infected persons and patients may experience increased protein consumption, loss of intestinal absorption, and weight loss due to physical changes. In addition, taking drugs will also affect the patient's hematopoietic function. In response to these characteristics, the diet of patients and infected persons should be based on high-protein and high-calorie foods, and follow the “various, small, balanced” dietary principles. The beneficial high-protein foods are: fish and shrimps, such as saltwater fish, shrimp, cuttlefish, shellfish, crabs, etc.; poultry, such as chicken, pigeon, rabbit, milk and dairy products, such as high-quality cheese; eggs, such as eggs. , duck eggs; beans, such as tofu, soy milk or other soy products; other meats. A high-protein diet can increase the burden on the kidneys. If you are unwell, please contact your doctor or nutritionist to make proper adjustments to your diet.


2, pay attention to vitamin and mineral supplements

Should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, especially rich in carotene (such as spinach, kale, sweet potato, pumpkin, carrots), vitamin c (such as green peppers, oranges, green cauliflower, spinach), vitamin e (such as hazelnuts, pine nuts , pistachios, almonds) and foods containing zinc (eg oysters, shellfish, cereals). Eat less high-fat foods and eat less sweets.

3, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits

AIDS-infected people and patients are advised to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits daily in order to increase their resistance to diseases. In particular, you should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins a, carotene, and vitamin c, and foods containing vitamin e.

4, small meals, regular meals

If you eat too much, you can easily cause indigestion, damage the spleen and stomach, and be unfavorable to your condition. Eating too little will result in inadequate nutrient intake and more nutrients. Therefore, people living with HIV and AIDS should eat small meals, usually five or six meals a day.

5, food diversification

For each meal, try to eat as much as possible. Learn to plan a diet that contains five types of food.

6, avoid eating sour, spicy and other spicy food

7, diet is appropriate, because the AIDS people generally weak spleen and stomach, Chinese medicine believes that there are more spleen and stomach Deficiency, so most cases should be given warm food hot drinks;

8, eat raw, cold, greasy anti-diarrhea

The above is a small series for everyone to introduce AIDS patients should pay attention to diet, hoping to be able to help everyone, the majority of friends must pay attention to develop good habits and healthy eating habits, pay attention to their sexual life check the health, This plays a crucial role in preventing AIDS.

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