Pig leaf feed processing modulation method

Many leaves contain abundant plant proteins and various nutrients needed for pig growth and development and can be used as pig feed. There are many kinds of leaves that can make pig feed in nature. Commonly used are hedgehog leaves, poplar leaves, willow leaves, eucalyptus leaves, mulberry leaves, citron leaves, pine needles, apple leaves, pear leaves, mountain leaves, apricot leaves, peach leaves, Grape leaves, persimmon leaves, jujube leaves and so on. In addition, acacia flowers and poplar flowers are good feed for pigs. The leaves used as feed are scientifically processed to not only improve their palatability, but also have obvious effects on improving the utilization, digestibility and nutritional value of leaves. Now introduce several common simple processing modulation methods for leaf feed.

Blister method

After picking the tender leaves, wash them with water first, put them in the cylinder or cement pool, scald with 80%~100% warm water, then soak in clean water for 2 hours~4 hours, the amount of clear water is generally exceeded. The material surface can be, when the apricot leaves, peach leaves, willow leaves and mulberry leaves are soaked, they should be replaced with fresh water several times to remove bitterness. Soak the soaked leaves and mix them into the diet to feed the pigs.

Drying method

The picked leaves are dried or dried, and after being crushed, they can be directly mixed into the feed and fed. Such as the Locust leaves, mulberry leaves, poplar leaves, and some fruit leaves, etc., the amount of feed is generally controlled at 5% to 10% of the total diet.

Salting method

Wash the leaves, chopped, pour into the tank or cement pool, take salt at 5% of the amount, layer press a layer of salt to compaction, salting. After salting, the leaves are not easy to rot and have a fresh scent. The palatability is good.

Silage method

Wash the leaves first, chop them, drain the water, and then put them into the silage containers layer by layer. If there is too much water in the leaves, you can add 10% of the leaves of the buckwheat to the mixed silage with low water content. , artificial spray adjustment can be performed.


First, the picked leaves or the collected autumn natural leaves are dried and processed into tree leaf powder. 2 kg of old dough used for baking dough was thinned with a suitable amount of water, and then 5 kg of cornmeal and 10 kg of rice bran were added, mixed well, stirred into a thick paste and allowed to ferment for 24 hours. Then add 50kg leaf powder and 10kg distiller's grain. Stir it well. The humidity should be hand-held. It should be hand-stitched with waterdrops. Then it should be put into fermentation tank or pool. The material will cover the cylinder (pool) mouth insulation, the temperature is maintained at 30 °C ~ 50 °C is appropriate, after 48 hours of fermentation can be used.

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