Cotton budding period management needs attention

At present, most of the cotton in our province has entered the period of budding. In view of the current situation of high temperature and hot, drought and less rain in most regions, the following management technology proposals are proposed for reference by the majority of cotton farmers.

First, watering fertilizer. To properly water, and apply a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer to promote seedlings. For the poor fertility, insufficient or less base fertilizer, weak cotton growing field, combined with water can be recovered 5 acres of urea. Phosphate fertilizer and potash fertilizer can also be added at the same time. Usually, 5 kg of diammonium, potassium sulfate or potassium chloride are applied in each mu.

Second, take the initiative to control. Sprayed with dilute amine for active control before watering. The use of 0.5 ~ 1 g of dilute amine, spray 30 ~ 60 kg of water. In this way, it will be possible to “encourage prosperity” and create a good plant type.

Third, timely release film. Most cotton farmers are too cumbersome or not well-informed. They do not perform uncovering, resulting in the roots of cotton plants not being able to pull down. They are mainly distributed on the surface of the soil. They are neither resistant to drought nor tolerant to fall. They can not make full use of the nutrients in the soil and are prone to premature aging. Causes a reduction in production. Therefore, it is recommended that the majority of farmers can change and cultivate the growing habit of uncovering the film.

Fourth, cultivator soil. The cultivating soil, especially the deep cultivating soil, plays an important role in controlling the cotton plant's leggy growth, promoting the cotton roots' lowering, and stabilizing the strong trees. However, classification should be carried out. After the general rainfall or irrigation, and when the cotton plants grow well, they should be deeply cultivated. For dryland cotton fields, it is mainly shallow-grassed grass and no deep-middle-cultivation is required. We should master the principle of maintaining soil looseness in the fields and not weeds, and at the same time, combine cultivators to do a good job of earth-cultivation.

Fifth, scientific pruning. For pruning cotton fields, timely removal of leaf shoots and axillary buds should be done so that axillary buds do not overshoot, but leaf shoots should not be too late, so as to reduce nutrient consumption, effectively regulate the distribution of cotton nutrients to fruit branches, improve field light, and control the growth of cotton plants. .

Six, disease prevention and pest control. According to the local pest monitoring, we must pay close attention to the prevention and control of pests such as cotton aphid, cotton leafhopper, whitefly, cotton aphid, and blind aphid. Prevention and control of cotton brown wilt disease should be based on the principle of "prevention first", through the cultivation of strong seedlings, to maintain good ventilation and lightening and potash fertilizer and other measures to increase the disease resistance of cotton plants; if the disease occurs, it should be timely Use fungicides + nutrient mix spray to prevent further spread hazards.


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