Technical points for greenhouse cucumber plugging operation

Greenhouse cucumber grafting mainly adopts two methods of abutting and plugging. There are several advantages to docking and docking:

First, the operation is simple, the grafting is convenient, easy to manage, and can be planted early;

The second is to effectively avoid the secondary roots of cucumber, and have a good preventive effect on soil-borne diseases such as blight and blight;

Third, due to the large joint area of ​​the knife edge, the melon seedlings are especially prosperous in the early stage.

Pay attention to the following issues during the docking process:

1, the wrong period. With the plugging, the cucumber seedlings should be small, so that the transpiration of the cucumber seedlings is weak after the picking, and it is not easy to fight. Therefore, cucumber can be sown with pumpkins at the same time. The pumpkin cotyledons are flattened for the appropriate period of grafting.

2, nursery. Pumpkins can be seeded with a semi-sand bed, or the simple method is to squash the pumpkin directly into the nutrient bowl. This way, the pumpkin will not slow down after grafting.

3, the direction of the knife edge. The cucumber knife edge must be inserted downward into the pumpkin knife mouth, the direction can not be reversed. Cucumber cotyledons and pumpkin cotyledons should have a cross shape.

4. Humidity in the small arch shed. Different from the abutment, the relative humidity of the air should be kept 100% within the first 2 days after the insertion to ensure that the cucumber cotyledons are not defective. It should be followed by watering, cover the small arch shed and cover the shade. If the humidity in the shed is insufficient, spray water. After 24 hours, it can be vented for a short time.

5, with nutrients to raise seedlings, do not spread plastic sheets under the nutrients.




Shenzhen Sunshine Technology Co.,Ltd ,

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