Postpartum supplements need to avoid diet errors

Confinement after childbirth is a very important issue for women. Postpartum women will be physically weak and need tonic, but is your way of tonic correct? Xiao Bian brings you today to see which of the three dietary errors you need to avoid during your postpartum supplement.

One, make up the special supplement


Post-partum maternity nutrition and adequate milk, the average family attaches great importance to postpartum dietary nourishment. However, we must know that nourishing the special supplement is both wasteful and detrimental to health. Because excessive tonicity can easily lead to obesity, obesity can lead to imbalances in sugar and fat metabolism in the body and cause various diseases.

In addition, too rich nutrition will inevitably increase the fat content in milk, such as the baby's gastrointestinal absorption can also easily lead to baby obesity, and even make the baby susceptible to a flat foot disease. If the baby is poorly digested and cannot be fully absorbed, diarrhea will occur, and long-term chronic diarrhea will also result in malnutrition.

Second, eat less

Modern medical research confirms that because of the large number of high-fat, high-protein intakes and lack of exercise, a large amount of fat accumulates in the body, leading to obesity. Medical experts believe that women should maintain post-natal bodybuilding and prevent middle-aged obesity.

First, the postpartum diet should be combined with meat and vegetables, but the amount of tonic, in addition to three meals a day, you can add 1 to 2 times snacks.

The second is postpartum exercise should be appropriate exercise. If there is no special pathological condition, the maternal can sit up 6 to 8 hours after delivery, and the next day can go to the ground. Because of the early morning and early activities, the discharge of beneficial lochia and the uterus are rejuvenated, which helps the recovery of intestinal and bladder functions and prevents the occurrence of postpartum urinary retention and constipation.

Can also be based on their physical conditions do puerperal exercise, which is a great benefit to the recovery of maternal physical strength and body parts.

Third, do not eat vegetables and fruits

Fruit contains a variety of Vitamins and trace elements, in addition to postpartum 3-4 days do not eat particularly cold fruits, such as pears, watermelons, etc., in the next days should be appropriate to eat more fruit. Some maternity women in the "confinement" during the period of eating vegetables and fruits, that "vegetables, fruits, water and gas", will hurt to eat, the result is the confinement of the confinement of the mothers after childbirth, medically known as puerperium constipation.

It should be noted that maternal physical exertion in the delivery process, abdominal muscle relaxation, coupled with prolonged bed rest, decreased exercise, resulting in defecation muscle weakness, slow bowel movements, and prone to constipation.

Also because of maternal postpartum metabolic function, sweating and urine output increased, if more food supplements and fasting vegetables, fruits, will make the stool dry and dry and stagnant, not easy to discharge.

Therefore, the maternal should pay attention to drinking more soup, such as egg soup, ribs soup, chicken soup, etc., which are not only beneficial to the secretion of milk, but also have the role of intestines.

Young mothers should pay attention to the balance of their meals during the "month of confinement" and eat nutritious and reasonable foods. They should adhere to the principles of meat and vegetables, dry and thin meals, and avoid misunderstandings in the diet to promote post-natal care and fitness.

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