Summer rice main pest control methods

I. Main pest control methods for rice

Sheath blight: When the wormhole rate is 15-20%, use 20% Jinggangmycin powder 50g or dried-broom net 50g watered 50-60kg spray.

Rice blast disease: In the early stage of disease, 20% tricyclazole powder is used 1000 times or 20% TEOD is 1000 times.

Erhuaiao: There are 500 eggs per mu in Putian. When the dry sheathing rate of Datian is 0.5% or more, use 50% insecticidal double 100 g or 90% insecticide 50 g to spray 40-50 kg of water.

Rice planthoppers: The tillering period of rice tills the early stage of booting. There are 500 insects in one hundred holes, and 25-30 grams of 25% bevacizuron or 20-40 grams of 10% imidacloprid are sprayed with 30-40 kg of water.

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