Rabbit breeding and fur processing technology

Rabbit breeding and fur processing technology

Rex rabbit breeding has low cost, high benefit, good market conditions, and easy feeding. At present, the market price of 0.09 to 0.133 square meters of rex rabbits is 35-40 yuan, and the supply is in short supply. The output value of a commodity rex rabbit is about 60 yuan, and its breeding cost is less than 25 yuan. Breeding 10 groups of bunnies (10 males and 30 females) can breed at least 900 a year. Generally, they can be cultured for 6 months. When the weight is above 2.5 kg, they can be slaughtered and scavenged. Annual net income is above 20,000 yuan. It is one of the best poverty alleviation and industrial projects with great development prospects.
Breeding technology points:
First, choose good varieties. Rex rabbit is a kind of skin and rabbit. Should choose a large body size, fine hair, soft, bright, smooth, white or blue color of the law or the United States Rex rabbits as a good breed.
Second, the scientific collocation feed: Rex Rabbit is a herbivore animal, due to artificial breeding of all herbivorous is not enough to meet the rabbit's nutritional needs, so in the daily feeding, in addition to a plan to feed some fresh fresh feed, according to a certain percentage of the full Price pellet feed. The benefits of the full-price pellet feed are: not freezing in winter, mildew in summer, relish in rabbits, and comprehensive nutrition. Its formula is: 1, 15% of soybean cake or soybean meal. 2, corn 10%. 3, bran 19%. 4, 50% of orange straw or weed powder. 5, fish meal 3%. 6, bone meal 1.5%. 7, salt 0.5%. 8, promote the growth factor and rabbit additives 1%.
Third, strict breeding off. At present, 70% of the rabbits reared in China are imported from France or the United States. Due to the slow progress of the purification and selection of breeding work, the performance of the varieties is degraded and the quality of the fur is reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve five unworthiness during the breeding period. 1, male and female rabbits are not worthy of age. 2, the general system is not clear unworthy. 3, sick is not worth it. 4, genetic instability is not matched. 5, does not meet the requirements of directional breeding unworthy.
IV. Epidemic prevention and control 1 Always clean rabbit cages and rabbit stables timely and do a good job in environmental sanitation. In the summer, disinfection is performed once every 10 days, and once a month in the winter. Disinfected drugs are: Su Su water, disinfectant, fire alkali and so on. 2 Spring, summer and autumn to use medicine (3% trichlorfon, 0.01% Shuangmi Mi, 0.01% fast killing Ding) the bath once to prevent skin diseases, feet, deafness and other diseases. 3 epidemic prevention. The rabbits are injected 3-4 times a year with rabbit lice vaccine and pasteurella vaccine to enhance the self-resistance of pupa rabbits, and to increase and accelerate the growth and development of rabbits. Rex Rabbit Skin Processing:
The slaughter method is: 1 shot method. It is to raise the hindquarters of rabbits weighing more than 2.5 kilograms, and then use a wooden stick to hit the extended chest position of the rabbit's ears to make them dead. 2 inflatable method. Intravenous injection of 5-10 ml of air into the rex rabbit's ear caused embolization of the blood to death.
Peeling and processing: First, lift the rabbit's hind legs up with ropes, hang upside down on the posts to cut off the forelimbs and tails, and then use scissors to cut off the fur around the hind leg joints along the lines above the pudendal parts of the legs. Turn over and flip, use the back cover method, one person with both hands to protect the abdomen back, one person will pull down the whole rabbit skin tube, to the ear root and then cut the scalp and squat down to become the skin outward Maopi Lipi skin. After the fresh skin removes dirt such as blood stains, it can be head-up and head-down on the support frame. Remove the fat and meat debris left on the skin and put it straight back.
Straighten the fur and allow it to stretch naturally. The lower end of the skin is fixed with a clip or string, so that it will not be curled up. Then hang it in a dry and ventilated place to dry it, save it or sell it.

How to choose a good breed rabbit_Aquaculture Technology

A look at the coat color: Rex rabbits are mostly white, there are a small amount of blue-violet, black, beaver color, floral colors, etc., now with a focus on white to do an introduction. White rex rabbits require white body hair, white or jade paws, and pink eyes. Anything not white in color, with yellow, rust or messy color, should not be selected as a rabbit.
Second, look at the body type: Rex Rabbit is a "double-five" rabbit species, which accounts for 50% of hair and 50% of body size. Body size refers to the weight and shape of the Rex rabbit, which also has a large body size and large skin, produces more meat, and has a high economic value. The shape of the rex rabbit requires a large head, an erect ear, a great eye, and a thin, curved eyebrow. The adult rex has a prominent flesh under the cheeks, a full posterior palate, a compact abdomen, and robust limbs. The standard body weight of adult burrowing rabbits aged 8 to 10 months is 3.5 to 4 kg.
Skin size is an important index to assess fur grade. The method of measuring skin is to measure the length from the middle of the neck of the rex rabbit to the tail. The width of the middle part of the waist is the width of the skin. The length and breadth is the area of ​​the skin. Fur quality is good, skin area above 1100 square centimeters is a skin; fur quality is good, but the skin area is only 900 square centimeters above is a secondary skin; fur quality is good, but the skin area is only 770 square centimeters or more is three Grade leather.
Third, look at the quality of fur: This is the most important basis for the selection of rabbits. The quality of the fur is not good, and if you weigh too much, you cannot breed rabbits. The quality requirements for Rex rabbit fur are summarized in six words: short, fine, dense, flat, beautiful, and prison. "Short" means that the hair fiber is shorter, the standard hair length is 1.3-2.2 cm, and the ideal hair length is 1.6 cm; "fine" means that the hair fiber is fine and the coarse hair content is less; "dense" means that the hairiness is dense and the hand feels full. "Flat" refers to the same length of wool fibers, smooth hair surface; "beautiful" refers to the hair elastic, shiny, glossy and shiny, the appearance of gorgeous; "crack" refers to the hair and skin adhesion is good, non-hairless season is not easy hair removal. Fur quality does not meet the above requirements, can not do rabbit breeding.
In addition, the purchase of rabbits to see if the male rabbits testicular development is good, the size is symmetric, do not buy back cryptorchidism or single testis rabbits; female rabbits more than 4 pairs of nipples, development is also better. Also check to see if the breeder rabbit is numbered. Look at the pedigree to see if the rabbit's parents are purebred and don’t inbred. Buying rabbits can't listen to sellers' rhetoric propaganda. They should be selected according to the above methods to prevent being deceived.

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