Jing Zhi Shen winemaking

At present, there are 11 major flavors, such as Maotai, Luzhou, Qingxiang, Mixiang, Sesame, Medicinal, Fragrance, Musk, Taixiang, and Laobaigan. Among them, sesame-flavor liquor is one of the two innovative flavors in the liquor industry since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and it is also the only innovative flavor of Lu wine. Its representative product, Jingzhi Shenfen, was founded by Shandong Jingzhi Liquor Corporation. On December 12, 2006, a representative of China's sesame-flavor liquor was awarded jointly by the Ministry of Commerce's Liquor Circulation Management Office and the China Brewing Industry Association. As the founder of sesame-flavor liquor, Jingzhi Liquor, after discovering the "sesame-flavor" factor in the Chinese old name Jingzhi Baigan in 1957, has spent a great deal of human, material, and financial resources after nearly half a century of unremitting research and practice. Scientific research was carried out and after repeated experiments, the process characteristics of sesame-flavor liquor were finally summarized. Successfully developed a sesame-flavored liquor, Jingzhi Brewing. It uses high-quality sorghum and wheat as the main raw materials, plus appropriate amount of bran, mud-bottom brick pool, steamed slag, quality grading, long-term storage and scientific blending. It has the characteristics of “four highs and one long”, namely high-copyright Chinese Wine News Network nitrogen ingredients, high-temperature koji and fortifying bacteria used in combination, high temperature accumulation, high temperature into the pool fermentation, long storage time. This wine combines the essences of the three major aroma production processes: clear, rich, and pure sauce. It combines the advantages of Daqu and bran, and a variety of microbial fermentations. It has reached the smell of elegant, sweet and mellow, soft and comfortable, Yu Xiang long The sesame flavor characteristics, with three fragrance: "Smell the incense, the entrance incense, aftertaste incense", Sanzheng: "The wine is positive, wine taste is positive, wine is positive." Especially when the temperature is around 20°C, the sesame flavor is more prominent. The sesame-flavor liquor is different from the original other flavor-flavor liquor, and it is in line with the consumption trend of white wine. It is a kind of wine with more development prospects on the market today. It is “yellow transparent, refreshing and elegant, alcohol and coordination, and tail-net. The style of sesame is outstanding, and it is very popular among consumers. The establishment of this scented liquor changed the history of Lu wine not having its own flavor. The pattern of homogenization of white liquor was broken, creating a new generation of Chinese liquor. At the same time, Jingzhi Liquor Industry Co., Ltd. drafted the sesame-flavor liquor process standard and promote it in the industry.

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