Health: What is good for fall?

The fall is characterized by heat and cold, Yang Xiao Yin long. Experts reminded us that in the autumn days, the air is dry, the air temperature is gradually reduced, the humidity is gradually reduced, the weather is hot and cold, and the change is sharp. Therefore, food and health care should be based on moistening dry Qi.

Autumn should be a tonic diet. In autumn, the climate is cool. At this time, the five internal organs belong to the lungs. The pungent smell of food in the five flavors is different from that of the lungs. The principle of diet should be “Ganping-based”, that is, eat more foods that have the function of clearing the liver and eat less acidic foods. The traditional medicine of the motherland believes that if you eat more acid in the autumn, you will lose your spleen and cause irregularities in the five organs. However, if you eat more foods, you can increase spleen activity and coordinate liver and spleen activities.

Edible peony, pumpkin, lotus seeds, longan, black sesame, red dates, walnuts and so on. White can lower blood fat, antipyretic toxins, and benefit two; pumpkins can moisten the lungs and qi, relieve pain and tocolysis; lotuses benefit the spleen to nourish the heart, solid fine diarrhea, appetizers sedative; Guiyuan anemia, neurasthenia, postpartum blood deficiency; black Sesame Bufei help the spleen, laxative, benefit the skin; red dates, spleen and stomach, Anzhongyiqi, blood and Yin; walnut kidney nourishing, Runfei Run muscle, prevention and treatment of neurasthenia and low back pain.

Experts believe that eating in every meal in the fall should not be complicated because of the debilitating yang of the human body and the weak stomach. Every meal eats a wide variety of foods that are difficult to digest and can easily cause stomach problems. Elderly people with weak stomach, Yi Shi warm cooked soft food.

Autumn diet mix. According to experts, the autumn weather gradually cools down and the autumn winds together; the rain decreases, the temperature drops, and the climate becomes dry. The human body will experience some “Qiuzao” reactions. At this time, dietary nutrition should eat more foods with a light moisturizing liver function.

Staple food: can eat rice, wheat, glutinous rice, and then eat pine nuts porridge, can prevent the autumn dryness cough, dry bowel constipation; non-staple food can eat fish, beef, black bone chicken, eggs, soy products; vegetables can eat Celery, bean sprouts, radish, wax gourd, tomatoes, alfalfa, spinach, leeks, cauliflower, carrots, scallions, scallions, squash, cabbage, cabbage, etc.; fruits can eat apples, pomegranates, grapes, mangoes, grapefruit, lemons, hawthorn , Banana, pineapple, pear, and pumpkin seeds, chestnuts, lotus seeds, longan, honey, white fungus, etc.; beverages can eat soy milk, gruel, milk and drink plenty of water to maintain water metabolism balance, prevent skin dryness, evil fire Invasion.

It is important to eat abundant food in autumn because it not only supplements summer consumption but also prepares for wintering, but it cannot eat too much. To prevent excessive intake of calories, reasonable arrangements should be made to balance the diet. In addition, the autumn diet should eat less spicy stimulation, fried, barbecue food, and not eat raw cold, dirty foods so as not to cause diarrhea.

Early autumn radish can get rid of the fire in the heart of summer, the farmer has "head radish second volt dish" said. There is also the popular chant of "Radish tea, anger and drunkenness."

Experts say that radish has many medicinal properties. For example, its seeds can eliminate phlegm and phlegm; the leaves can stop diarrhea; the old dead root of radish seeds, called declan, can diuresis and swelling. The folk said that "radish can cough and shun gas digestion food water," due to this. What is rare is that this kind of medicinal effect of radish is compatible with tea. In the fall, you can eat some radish and drink some good tea. It is beneficial to eliminate the pungent heat of summer heat in the human body.

The diet of patients with chronic diseases taboo. Experts believe that the onset of early autumn, patients with respiratory diseases diet should be light, low salt, small meals. Avoid spicy, pungent foods, can eat flat cough, sputum food, such as milk, soy milk, eggs, lettuce, celery, cauliflower, white fungus, sesame, rock sugar, pears and so on.

Patients with cardiovascular disease should be low-fat, low-cholesterol, low-salt, vitamin-rich diet, can eat fresh vegetables, fruits, such as hawthorn can be appetizers, vasodilators, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, cardiac; eggplant, chestnut can lower cholesterol Lettuce, potatoes and chestnut are rich in potassium.

Gastrointestinal diseases in patients with mild autumn diet should be, eat less cold food, dirty, spoilage food, you can eat cabbage, cabbage, pasta, fish, apples, yogurt, etc., and eat less seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Salted Kelp Series

Salted Kelp Series

The original ecological kelp means that we pack the young kelp with saturated salt water directly after washing without any preservatives.Original ecological products are the favourite of housewives.

Salted kelp:

How to eat:

  • Soaking about 30 minutes to moderate salty
  • Cook . make salad or add to hot pot after draining the wate

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Nutrational Effects

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Salted Kelp Series,Dried Salted Seaweed,Salted Seaweed,Salty Seaweed

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