Autumn health and nourishing yin moisture is the key

Recent hot weather plagued the country a great curtain call of the situation, even the high temperature has been plagued by severe drought in Chongqing and other places have also began to autumn, Beijing also this two-day rhythm a little bit rain, but the rain though small a cold autumn rain is not false to say, sooner or later overcome Ambassador Beijing really have the feeling of autumn. From the climate we felt the fall, then from other areas do you also feel it. So in the fall for what to eat most of it, you got to look at small series of autumn food Road.

Lily: It has the function of invigorating the lungs, moistening the lungs, calming the nerves, relieving fatigue, moistening dryness and relieving cough.

Yam: its characteristics are to make up without stagnation, not hot nor dry, regardless of men and women, young and sick, disease-free, physical health, are suitable for consumption.

White lentils: White lentils porridge or Jiantang served, can be Shushi wet, spleen and stomach, increase appetite.

Lotus: Health lotus to heat thirst, cooked lotus root spleen appetizer, blood. Therefore, there is a saying that “summer days should be simmered, autumn cool and ripe, fresh and raw should be fresh, and cooked food should be old”.

Astragalus: Into the autumn diet, not only make up, there is a certain role in the regulation of human blood sugar, burning alum segment, clear stew, fried lotus root silk, yellow rice porridge, etc. can be.

Chestnut: It has the function of strengthening the spleen and stomach, strengthening the kidney and strengthening the bones.

Walnut: can kidney essence, warm lung Dingchuan, but also can nourishing Qi, Runzao Runchang.

Peanut: peanut maturity after late autumn, red soup served boiled or decoction with flowers PEANUTS or powder, should not eat fried.

Jujube: Jujube red dates, is nourishing yin and dryness, Yifeibuqi Qingbu food, such as can be combined with white fungus, lily, yam foraging, the better.

In addition, the fall is also suitable for eating pears, wolfberry, carrots, leeks, oyster mushrooms, kelp, tomatoes, rabbit meat, tonic is suitable for eating jaundice, ginseng, Radix, wolfberry fruit, fleece-flower root and so on. The fall is the most suitable fruit to eat when it belongs to pears, pears have thirst, cough and phlegm, heat and reduce fire, nourishing myogenic, lungs to dry and other functions, often eat plow for patients with hypertension and liver disease There are benefits. Sugar cane, apples, oranges, bananas, hawthorn, etc. are all good fruits for autumn.

The simplest autumn health tips:

"The salt water in the North Korea and the evening honey soup." In other words, drinking salt water during the day and drinking honey water at night is not only a good way to supplement the body's water, but also a good recipe for autumn health and anti-aging diet, and it can also prevent The constipation caused by Qiuzao is threefold.

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