The Advantages and Technical Points of Melon Stand Upright Cultivation in Autumn

The stand cultivation of melons in the autumn greenhouse is a new model emerged in melon planting in the region in recent years, which can greatly improve the appearance and quality of melons under the same conditions, thereby achieving better economic benefits. The advantages and key cultivation techniques are as follows.
1. Cultivation Advantages 1. Melon stand cultivation can increase planting density and increase yield. The stand cultivation can make full use of space. The number of plants per 667 square meters can be increased from 500 to 600 plants cultivated on the ground to 1500 to 1600 plants, which improves the land utilization rate. 2 The stand cultivation has good ventilation and light transmission, and makes full use of space to improve the light receiving conditions of the leaves. Low humidity, dry stems, favorable pruning, uniform application, and corresponding reduction in pests and diseases. 3 The melon fruit type cultivated on the stand is moderate and of good quality. The light transmission of the fruit is even, and the product quality occupies a certain advantage in the market competition. In particular, the conditions of light and temperature in the autumn are conducive to the development of advantages of stand cultivation. 4 Stand cultivation can also be adjusted by growing the size of the plant. Encounter multiple fertilizers, especially high-humidity soil conditions in the region, can reduce its adverse effects through narrow sorghum and sorghum. Cultivated cultivation is limited by the width of earthworms. Under conditions of multiple fertilizers and high humidity, the growth is prone to overexposure and unfavorable for high yields.
2. Stands cultivation techniques
2.1 species selection should choose early maturity, compact plant type, medium growth, high temperature and high humidity environment, some netted melon is more suitable for autumn planting.
2.1 Soil preparation and planting Because of the increased planting density, the underground root system is dense and requires good soil conditions. Basal fertilizer is twice as large as that on the ground. It is buried deeply in the soil and water is sealed for 7 to 10 days. It is then sterilized by high temperature, and then Ploughing and smashing soil to make mulch and cover the mulch can achieve sub-film irrigation and keep loose and moist soil.
2.3 Nursery colonization The appropriate period for sowing in this region is from mid-July to early August, and 7 days after sowing, it is transplanted into the nutrient bowl. The number of nursery days is controlled within 15 to 20 days, and about 1.5 to 2 true leaves are planted. The standard greenhouse is made of 3 poles and double rows of plants with a spacing of 50 cm and 35 to 40 cm.
2.4 pruning and fruit set to 10 to 15 leaves lateral branches as fruiting branches, the main branches to stay 22 to 25 leaves topping, each fruit to sit 2 to 3, until the egg size to stay 1 fruit. At the same time appropriate removal of plant base 3 to 5 leaves, strengthen the base air ventilation.
2.5 Temperature, light and water management The autumn is at a high temperature, and the ventilation of the greenhouse should be strengthened after planting. Cooling and dehumidification, the plant sees light as much as possible. Flowering pollination period should not generally be too much over-watering fertilizer, so as not to affect the fruit set, fruit settling period should ensure that the water supply and appropriate top dressing. Reticulated varieties control the watering before the occurrence of the reticulates, watering the coarse reticulates and fine reticulates when they are produced, maintaining a certain humidity, and facilitating the formation of reticulates. After the reticulates are formed, watering is no longer required in principle. Keep the shed dry, promote reticular relief and improve quality.
2.6 Diseases and Insects Prevention and Control Attention to bacterial blight and locust control, strict control of sunny pruning, timely pruning, control of fertilizer and water, strengthen ventilation, light transmission, virus disease mainly through insect pests such as locusts, insecticide nets can be covered with a combination of chemical control.
2.7 Harvest maturity period can be determined by the number of days after fruit set, and the number of days required for ripening differs depending on the fruit setting period. Netted melon generally takes 48 to 50 days for harvest in September and 50 to 53 days for harvesting in October. Combining with the trial food to control the harvesting period, it is particularly important for reticulated melons.

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