Eating hot pot in winter is not fat tips

Experts emphasized that copper hot pot bogey should be used immediately after it has been disabled for a period of time. After a period of inactivity, the inside surface of the pot will react with water and oxygen to form a layer of green copper rust, which is basic copper acetate or copper sulfate. . Both of these chemicals are toxic and if they cannot be thoroughly wiped before use, copper rust will dissolve in the food. The ingestion of a certain amount of patina can cause poisoning, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms.

Therefore, before using the copper fondue, dip the vinegar with a cloth, add a little salt to wipe it, and thoroughly brush and clean the copper rust.

Eat too fast will burn bad taste

Although the hot pot is fragrant, eating it improperly may cause illness. Experts pointed out that eating hot pot is the most common cause of oral disease, because the temperature of hot pot soup is quite high, the temperature of the food just fished out from the soup is high, if you do not cool it directly into the entrance, will inevitably damage the oral mucosa, causing the oral cavity Ulcers and other oral diseases. Eat hot food will also destroy the taste of the tongue, reduce the taste function, and too hot food can cause teeth and upper gastrointestinal lesions.

In addition, some people eat fresh hot pot food, eat meat such as beef and mutton, always hot to eat, but this is likely because of unfamiliar meat, unhygienic, can easily cause diarrhea, intestinal parasites and hepatitis Other diseases.

Experts advise that raw meat, raw fish, or seafood must be cooked and eaten before the bacteria or parasite eggs in the food are completely killed. Just remove the food from the hot pot and do not eat it immediately. You should eat it in the bowl and eat it again to avoid scalding the esophagus and causing ulcers or blistering of the oral membrane.

Putting lotus seeds on fire

When you eat hot pot, in addition to meat, you should also put more vegetables, tofu, and at the same time it is best to add some lotus seeds. Vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and chlorophyll, more cold, can eliminate greasy, but also cool, detoxification, go to the fire. Tofu has heat, fire, thirst quencher. Lotus seeds are rich in nutrients and are also beneficial to the human body.

It should be noted that lotus seeds are best not to take away lotus roots, and that lotus hearts can clear away the lungs.

In addition, the time to cook vegetables should not be too long, otherwise it will easily destroy the nutrients in the dish.

Too bad taste of seasoning

There is also a great relationship between taste and seasoning when eating hot pots. In general, the hot pot seasoning is mainly sesame paste, chives, salt, monosodium glutamate, coriander, chili oil, fermented bean curd and so on. Experts pointed out that some people tend to taste hot pot, chili, garlic, onions and other spices put too much. However, doing so will cause some damage to the gastric mucosa.

Therefore, when eating hot pot seasoning taste should not be too heavy, especially people suffering from tuberculosis, acne, gastritis and duodenal ulcer disease should eat less spices.

Anti-toxic environment should be ventilated

Most of the hot pot is gas or charcoal, and there are carbon monoxide poisoning risks. Experts advise that if you eat hotpots with gas or charcoal, the environment must be ventilated.

Once you feel dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, heart palpitations, mental retardation, etc., carbon monoxide poisoning is likely to occur. Immediately open the doors and windows for ventilation and immediately transfer to a fresh, well-ventilated place. If the situation cannot be improved, poisoners should be sent to the hospital in time to avoid serious consequences.

How to eat is not fat?


Hot pot, of course, inescapable meat, but the calories of meat are low and high, you can avoid light weight MM, choose a relatively low calorie food friends. Here is a meaty calorie table that frequently appears in hot pot restaurants. We can match them according to your needs.

Low calorie meat (calories/weight); duck breast meat 90/100g; lamb (back) 94/100g; beef (hind leg) 98/100g; rabbit 102/100g; lamb (breast) 109/100g; hare meat 84 /100g; tripe 72/100g; chicken breast meat 133/100g; yellow croaker (small yellow croaker) 99/100g


Vegetables, it is recommended that you MM in the hot pot when many times to order vegetables, after all, vegetables Road is not high and many times the effectiveness of detoxification, eat hot hot pot, with some cool vegetables or good for the body.

Cabbage, which is also one of the vegetable-rich fibers, has a better sugar content when the weather turns cold, and it tastes good. Now that the cabbage is not very cool, it is good for the body to eat. Used as a hot pot of vegetables, sucked enough soup, eat fresh and delicious.

Cool melon and melon can not only be eaten in summer, but it is also a rare side dish for Tianliang hot pot. With the hot pot together, you can cool blood detoxification, you can also lose weight while eating a meal.

Celery, it may be a little magical to eat celery with a hot pot, but I tried it and felt that the celery was really good for the hot pot. A large number of crude fiber celery, can promote bowel movements, in order to discharge excessive nutrients and metabolic waste waste in the intestines, is conducive to weight loss and clean the intestine.

Melon, many people like to use under the hot pot, in fact, high moisture content melon, calorie content is very low, there is a clear diuretic function, so the effectiveness of clearing the internal environment and weight loss is significant.

Spinach, a beauty product, is rich in iron and carotene, and it is also an excellent source of vitamin B6, folic acid, iron and potassium. Spinach contains protein, which corresponds to the protein content of two eggs per 0.5 kg of spinach.


As for seasonings, in fact, all kinds of spices, peanut butter, sand sauce, sesame oil and so on, these seasonings all have ultra-high calories. And each seasoning can stimulate people's taste buds, making people more appetite. In fact, you can choose to use vinegar instead, at least the heat will not be so high.

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