Rescue technology after snow disaster in timber forest

1 timber forest damage type

Forest species (focused on pine forests) The types of forest trees that are harmed by snow pressure can be roughly divided into the following three categories:

1.1 Tip (including dry). This type of victim is more common and the degree of damage is also more serious, mainly because the weight of the snow intercepted by the tree crown exceeds the load limit of the treetop and the trunk itself.

1.2 bend. This type of victimization is also more common. It is mainly due to the fact that the weight of the remaining snow on the branches and leaves of the forest does not exceed the limit of the load of the trunk. With its own elasticity, it deflects to the side or bows down to bow.

1.3 fell to the ground. This is one of the most important types of victims of timber forests, and the damage rate is relatively high. Similar to the type of sloping, the type of tumbling is also due to the relatively large weight of snow remaining on the branches and leaves of the forest. It forms a top-heavy and sloping slope, and gradually falls on the slope under the continued pressure of snow.

2 timber forest damage points

According to the type of hazards caused by snow pressure in timber forests, different rescue treatments are carried out:

2.1 Tip (including dry). Such damaged forest trees cannot recover after the snow melts, and they need to be cleared and used in time.

2.2 bend. Most of the affected forest trees can still be restored to their original shape after the snow melts. They have little impact on growth and development and need to be preserved. During the snow pressure, the snow on the canopy should be cleared as soon as possible.

2.3 fell to the ground. In this type, if the roots are not separated from the ground, or if the root system is damaged lightly, if it can gradually recover after the snow melts, it should be reserved. During the snow pressure, the snow on the canopy should be cleared as soon as possible. If the root system is severely damaged or torn off, it is difficult to recover if it is difficult to recover. Use it in time to reduce losses.

2.4 Turning. Such damaged trees have no hope of surviving and recovering, and should be promptly removed after the snow disaster.

2.5 Timber forest management in the future should pay attention to density management, site control and tree species selection, to the greatest extent to resist the snow disaster.

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