Fruit tree winter protection against three harms

The tissues and organs of the frost-damaged fruit trees have different resistance to low temperature during the wintering period. Sometimes the branches and buds are partially frozen, which results in a reduction of production in that year. In severe cases, the branches will die and threaten production. Young trees such as grapes, apples, pears, walnuts, and peaches can be cultivated for cold protection, white-painted, trunk-wrapped, and crescent-shaped soil moth on the windward side, all with good results. Frozen fruit trees should be cut lightly and late to ensure early water supply, timely topdressing, and nutrient replenishment.

Frost damage The extent and extent of frost damage varies depending on the duration of the frost, the extent of temperature decline, and the phenological period of the fruit tree. Apricots, pears, and apples were frozen in early spring, and young fruits and leaves of some years were also affected by frost. Potassium naphthalene acetate (0.025% ~ 0.5%) solution can be sprayed on fruit trees before germination and at the end of autumn, or irrigated with pulp water in early spring, or painted white on the trunk to delay the germination period, which can prevent frost.

Wind and wind damage can make the tree body eccentric or eccentric. High winds in winter or early spring can easily dry up young fruit trees. Dry wind in spring often blows young shoots, shortening the flowering period and reducing fruit set rate. If the flowering season is windy, artificial pollination can be carried out; if the production season is windy, the fruit tree should be set up to prevent lodging; if there is wind before harvesting, the tree tray or tree tray can be covered with grass to reduce fruit drop damage.

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Fruit Juice Powder

Fruit extracts are a mixture of natural compounds extracted from fruits and can be used in various fields such as food, health products, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Fruit extracts are rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins and other nutrients, which have various effects such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-aging and whitening.
In food, fruit extracts can be used as natural coloring, flavor enhancers and preservatives to increase the nutritional value and taste of food. In health care products, fruit extracts can be used to improve immunity, promote gastrointestinal health, lower blood lipids and blood sugar, and prevent cardiovascular diseases. In cosmetics, fruit extracts can be used for whitening, anti-aging, moisturizing, spot removal, anti-inflammatory, etc., and become an important ingredient in cosmetics. In pharmaceuticals, fruit extracts can be used for treating inflammation, anti-tumor, lowering blood lipids and blood sugar, etc.

Fruit Juice Powder,Organic Fruit Powder,Dragon Fruit Powder,Grape Fruit Powder

Shaanxi Changsheng Industrial Co., Ltd. ,

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