Raising seven effects

First, choose a good breed. To choose to keep the fur light, consistent dorsum and color, short hair, hair peak, hair is flush, dense, uniform distribution, soft hair, good strength, slightly longer hair hair, purple hair without white hair, white spots. This kind of fur has good quality and high commodity value. Second, do a good job breeding management. The otters reproduce once a year, and estrus and breeding are conducted every year from February to March. Therefore, the species will enter the breeding season in late January. During the breeding period, public breeding must ensure the supply of high-quality refined feed, and animal feeds such as fresh blood, eggs, milk, liver, and fish account for more than 80%, and at the same time increase the use of yin and yang drugs, Liuwei Dihuang Wan, Epimedium and Vitamin E. B, C, etc. It is necessary to eliminate inbreeding and prevent the otters from degenerating. In the later period of pregnancy, the female parent must ensure the supply of high-quality feed. When slaughtered animals feed, organs such as the adrenal gland and pituitary gland containing sex hormones must be removed to prevent fetal death or miscarriage after the mother's foraging. Third, pay attention to insulation, increase the survival rate of larvae. After the birth of Aberdeen, a hot water bottle should be placed on the litter box and two hot pots in order to increase the survival rate. Fourth, prevent diseases. In July and August, it was the fastest growing period for young cubs. At this time, the temperature was high, the air humidity was high, the feed was susceptible to deterioration, and blisters were very susceptible to gastrointestinal diseases. Digging fresh purslane, sorrel, psyllium, violet, dandelion and other herbs to feed. In this way, feed costs can be reduced, heatstroke can be prevented, and gastrointestinal infectious diseases such as enteritis and dysentery can be prevented. In June and July, vaccines such as canine distemper, paratyphoid fever and pasteurella should be administered to prevent infection. The vaccination site is on the inside of the posterior thigh. Fifth, the use of food substitutes. In order to reduce costs, soy flour and peanut cakes can be used instead of some meat products, and sweet potatoes can be used instead of some vegetables, with fresh pork blood, eggs, and milk to enhance palatability. Sixth, to improve the nutrition during the hair replacement period. During the equinox, when the leeches enter the moulting period, this is a critical period for improving the quality of the fur. In addition to feeding high-quality concentrates, vegetable oils (bean oil, peanut oil, etc.) and vitamin B2 should also be added to the feed. Milligrams. Seven, mature skin. The mink can be slaughtered after the hair has been changed. Take a mature skin when taking one, must not be a batch of skin. When you slaughter, you must pay attention to the integrity of the fur, and must not cut the fur, otherwise it will reduce the level of fur. China Agricultural Network Editor

The name "three yellow chickens" was given by zhu yuanzhang. In the national ministry of agriculture's authoritative book, "Chinese poultry Chronicles", the first, the chicken is a family of natural grazing. Its meat is tender, delicious, rich in nutrition and enjoys a high reputation both at home and abroad. It has the characteristics of small size, "three yellow" (feather yellow, claw yellow, beaked yellow), strong survival ability, high egg production and tender meat quality.

Body feathers with yellow, neck feather are golden rooster, main wing feathers red with black, black tail feathers, hen the main wing half yellow and black, black tail feathers, hackle inclusions mottled black and gray plumage. The beak is yellow, single crown, high crown, 5 ~ 7 crown teeth. The crown and flesh are bright red, the eyelids are thin, the rainbow color is orange, the ear color is yellowish. The shin and PAWS are yellow and no feathers. Compact, well-proportioned, small and delicate, with a straight back, and a tight, rounded tail, like "yuanbao". The head is of moderate size.

Chicken is compared with mutton and beef, with high protein content and low fat content. In addition, chicken protein is rich in essential amino acids, which are very similar to the amino acid spectrum in egg milk, so it is a source of high quality protein. The protein content of the chicken is different according to the location, the skin and the skin without the skin. The order of the chicken is roughly the skin of the chicken, breast and thigh meat. Chicken skin has a lot of lipids, so you can't think of chicken with skin as a low-calorie food.

Chicken is also A good source of phosphorus, iron, copper and zinc, and is rich in vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin K.

Chicken and beef, lamb, lipid, contains more unsaturated fatty acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid, can reduce the body of the possible adverse health effects of low density lipoprotein cholesterol.

The edible effect of three yellow cock

Chicken has a high digestibility and is easily absorbed by the body. It has the effect of enhancing physical strength and strengthening the body.

Modern society is busy everyday, often in sub-healthy white collar better eat a few more, to enhance immunity, reduce the disease probability. Chicken with temperature in the qi, tonify deficiency repair essence filling pulp, benefit and loss of function, used in the treatment of consumptive emaciated, virtual food less, diarrhea dizziness, palpitation, irregular periods, less postpartum milk, diabetes, edema, and other symptoms.

Can alleviate the symptom such as frequent urination, deafness, and lack of precision due to insufficiency of kidney.

It has anti - oxidation and certain detoxification. It has a good effect on improving the function of the mind and promoting the development of children's intelligence.

Taboo on the consumption of three yellow chickens

People with cold fever, excessive internal fire, severe phlegm, obesity, people with swelling of the fever, high blood pressure, high blood lipids, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis.

Chicken sexual temperature, help fire, liver Yang and oral erosion, skin swelling, stool is not suitable for food.

The patient of arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease and high blood fat do not drink chicken soup.

Cold with headache, lack of energy, hot people avoid chicken, chicken soup.

Do not eat when taking iron preparation.

The abundant protein can aggravate the kidney burden, so people with kidney disease should eat as little as possible, especially the uremia patient, should fast.

Sanhuang Chicken

Sanhuang Chicken,Halal Sanhuang Chicken,Fresh Frozen Chicken,Frozen Whole Chicken

GUYUAN XINYUE FOOD CO.,LTD. , http://www.xyamin.com

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