Broad bean planting time and method

When is broad bean planted Generally, the spring broad beans in the north and northwest areas are sown from early March to mid-April; the southern autumn broad bean areas are sown in October, that is, the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in mid-October ...more...

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The effect and role of corrugated child

Efficacy identification Begonia shell, sea pumice stone and wa Begonia shell, sea pumice stone and corrugated child: All three are salty and tasteless, all of which can eliminate the softness and firmness of the knot, and can be used to cure phlegm stasis tumors, hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids and oth ...more...

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Which fertilizers should biological bacteria fertilizer…

The live bacteria and the metabolites of the live bacteria in the bio-fertilizer can achieve the purpose of application by the vegetable farmers by engulfing harmful bacteria, improving the soil, and promoting root development. Experts believe that the im ...more...

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Cauliflower Protected Field Cultivation Technique

Cauliflower, also known as cauliflower, is a variant of cabbage. The broccoli is a white flower ball, but there are also broccoli and alfalfa. From the growth period, it is divided into early, middle and late varieties. Early-maturing varieties such as Swiss snowballs and Dutch early snowballs are ...more...

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Wheat and peanut cultivation technology

Wheat peanuts are a kind of peanut planting, especially in the middle and south plains of Hebei Province. The area of ​​wheat peanuts is relatively large, but many growers do not understand the knowledge about how to put wheat peanuts. To ...more...

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Potato fertilization should consider the demand for min…

The most absorbed mineral nutrients in potatoes are potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus, followed by a small amount of calcium, magnesium, sulfur, and trace amounts of iron, boron, zinc, manganese, copper, molybdenum, and sodium. The demand for nitrogen, ...more...

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Don't forget to add calcium to vegetables in midsum…

Calcium can promote the formation of cell walls, thereby ensuring the stability of plant tissues. When calcium is deficient, the cell wall cannot form normally, the cell nutrients extravasate, and death occurs. Therefore, symptoms such as umbilical rot, c ...more...

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Banlangen Field Management Pest Control Guide

Banlangen is a common Chinese medicinal material. Hebei, Henan, Jiangsu and other places in China are one of the main producing areas. Due to its effects of cooling blood, clearing heat and detoxifying, many medicines have its place. Nowadays, farmers who ...more...

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Suggestions for the shed after cooling down and snowfal…

Snow is easy to cause harm to the production of facility vegetables. It is recommended that you take corresponding measures to deal with snow and cooling weather. 1. Clear snow and strengthen the shed In case of snowfall, the quilt should be opened as s ...more...

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How to irrigate daylily

Answer: In the normal year, when the soil injury is good, the first spring water is poured in early April (the ground temperature of 5 cm is stable above 12 degrees Celsius). The second irrigation should be one week before bolting. Later, as the temperatu ...more...

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